AstronauTx Ltd secures £6.5m for Dementia Research
13 August 2019

AstronauTx, a new biotech company building upon research from the Alzheimer’s Research UK UCL Drug Discovery Institute (DDI), has received £6.5million investment from government launched, Dementia Discovery Fund (DDF).
AstronauTx will work with the UCL DDI to develop new medicines designed to reset the behaviour of astrocytes, crucial support cells in the brain. Astrocytes are normally very important for keeping nerve cells functioning well, but they change in Alzheimer’s disease and instead become damaging.
Researchers in the UCL DDI have identified a potential way to control the activity of astrocytes and allow nerve cells in the brain to function better for longer.
Working with the UCL DDI, UCLB has agreed a license to the resulting work to AstronauTx and will hold equity in the newly formed company.
Find out more for the story: UCL & Evening Standard