Spinout News
Eddyfi/NDT Acquires UCLB spinout, Senceive
4 May 2021

Eddyfi/NDT, a Canadian industrial technology group headquartered in Quebec City today announced the acquisition of London-based Senceive Ltd.
Senceive is a world leader in the design, manufacture and supply of wireless condition monitoring solutions that provide repeatable, high-quality data on the structural and geotechnical condition of infrastructure assets across industry sectors ranging from rail to construction and mining. Senceive becomes the Eddyfi/NDT group’s fifth platform and business unit. It will continue to operate and trade under the Senceive name.
Further information on the transaction can be found at https://www.senceive.com/news/senceive-acquired-eddyfindt-0
Dr Steven Schooling, Director, Engineering and Physical Sciences, UCLB commented
“ Senceive Ltd is a company that I helped to spinout from the labs of UCL Electronic & Electrical Engineering back in 2005 in order to commercialise an innovative wireless enabled remote condition monitoring technology platform.
“Over the past 15 years, UCLB have worked very closely with the Senceive management team to translate a promising early stage technology, into a robust and scalable monitoring solution that enables users across industries ranging from rail and construction to gain information on their critical assets in a highly cost effective manner.
“The company is widely recognised as an industry leader with exceptional commercial growth in recent years backed up by the development of innovative product offers and exceptional customer service, and its technology means the critical infrastructure we all rely on can be monitored and maintained more efficiently.
“The acquisition by Eddyfi/NDT will ensure that further resources are available for the company to continue on its strong growth curve and I am immensely proud of the efforts of everyone who has been involved in the company to achieve this hugely successful outcome.”