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Viviana Mannella

Business Manager



Viviana joined UCLB in 2022 as Business Manager in the BioPharm Team, and is a co-located and co-funded cancer specialist representing the joint interests of UCLB and Cancer Research UK (50:50). For UCLB she is primarily responsible for IP protection and commercialisation of technologies developed at UCL Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. For Cancer Research UK she is a Translation Manager, responsible for identifying and facilitating the translation of UCL-based research into clinically-meaningful products for the benefit of cancer patients.

Before joining UCLB, Viviana was a Senior Business Analyst at F-star Therapeutics Inc. and then at e-therapeutics plc, where she worked with the clinical and business development functions to advance the company’s pipeline to the clinic.

Viviana has an MSc in pharmacy and an MSc in omic sciences from the University of Catania, Italy. Viviana has also worked as a bench scientist for several years, and she combines a solid scientific background in oncology, immune-oncology, and cell biology with a commercial mindset.