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Use our online storefront to license your IP: e-lucid

Developed in-house at UCLB, e-lucid is a licensing platform that allows universities and businesses to quickly and easily license their non-exclusive intellectual property (IP).

Created by and for busy tech transfer professionals

e-lucid was born 10 years ago in UCLB, the commercialisation company of University College London and its partner NHS Trusts.

Why we created e-lucid

e-lucid was developed in order to meet the challenges posed by the management of contracts for low-cost, high-volume IP assets – the small, frustrating tasks that occupy much of the time of tech transfer professionals who would prefer to focus their efforts on the big opportunities.

We soon realised that, much more than a process optimisation tool and an online store, we had created a new way of interacting with our academics and with audiences that we never imagined having.

Thanks to e-lucid, we are now able to reach out to academics and re-assess business opportunities with IP assets that, although they had already been offered through academic licenses, were previously unprofitable due to the high administrative burden required to market and license them.

Similarly, the benefit of having an automated system working around the clock, was that concluding MTAs with other organisations in different time zones could be done with the click of a button, reducing transaction times from weeks to a couple of days.


Why we decided to share e-lucid

We suspected that the challenges faced by UCLB were likely to be the same in universities the world over. When we reached out to colleagues this was quickly confirmed.

In the spirit of collaboration and in alignment with UCLB’s vision to benefit society and the economy, e-lucid was opened up to all.