Spinout News / UCLB News
UCLB has agreed an exclusive licence with Periowave Dental Technologies
19 August 2011

UCLB has agreed an exclusive licence for the disinfection and sterilisation of tissues, wounds and lesions in the oral cavity with Periowave Dental Technologies (PDT Inc). The new licence agreement will allow PDT Inc to expand the indications for its photodisinfection technology based on UCLB’s intellectual property.
PDT Inc. develops and commercialises antimicrobial photodynamic therapies for the treatment of a broad spectrum of bacterial, fungal and viral infections in the oral cavity. This therapy does not promote the formation and spread of antibiotic resistance and is therefore gaining interest as an alternative to antibiotics.
Photodisinfection was pioneered by Professor Mike Wilson and colleagues at the Eastman Dental Institute at University College London. Professor Wilson stated that “the Periowave Photodisinfection System is a simple, pain-free, non-surgical and non-antibiotic approach for the treatment of gum disease (periodontitis, endodontics, peri-implant disease) and other oral infections”.
According to PDT Inc, photodisinfection is a powerful non-thermal antimicrobial technology proven in clinical trials to generate superior patient outcomes such as gains in clinical attachment and reductions in pocket depth and bleeding, and does not require patient compliance.
Derek Reay, Senior Business Manager at UCLB said ‘this licence agreement places all licence rights in PDT Inc and should allow the company to expand quickly into new markets previously not available to them’.
Further information
About UCLB
UCLB is a leading technology transfer company which supports and commercialises research and innovations arising from UCL, one of the UK’s leading research-led universities. UCLB has a successful track record and strong reputation for identifying and protecting promising new technologies and innovations from UCL academics. It invests directly in development projects to maximise the potential of the research and manages the commercialisation process of technologies from the laboratory to be market ready. UCLB supports UCL’s Grand Challenges of increasing UCL’s positive impact on and contribution to Global Health, Sustainable Cities, Intercultural Interaction and Human Wellbeing.
For further information, please visit the website: www.uclb.com
About Periowave Dental Technologies
Periowave Dental Technologies, Inc., is based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
For additional information and to learn more about Periowave and photodisinfection technology, please contact info@periowave.com or visit the Company’s website at: www.periowave.com
For further information please contact Derek Reay, Senior Business Manager (BioPharm) at UCLB on 0207679 9000