Commercialise your research

UCL Researcher

I’ve got an idea – what do I do now?

Step 1

Tell your business manager

If you’ve got an idea that might have commercial potential or meet a social need, the first step is to get in touch with the business manager for your department or NHS trust.

Find your business manager


Project Management

Step 2

Download an invention disclosure form (IDF)

If your idea has potential, your business manager will ask you to complete a confidential invention disclosure form. The IDF asks for the names of all inventors, a brief description of the invention, funding sources, and potential commercial applications of the technology.

Download idf

Keep it secret!

You must contact UCLB before talking or writing about your technology publicly – otherwise you might not be able to get a patent. Sharing the data with colleagues or posting an abstract on the internet are examples of public disclosure that could harm your chances of patenting an invention.

“As an academic, one needs the expertise of a tech transfer office in dealing with promoting ones intellectual property. UCLB has the expertise and experience to establish partnerships, licensing and spinouts.”

Professor Pete Coffey